“Just because I may not be a great orator, I can stand up to racism, xenophobia, hate, and bigotry with my art. You won’t see me with the megaphone but you will see me screaming with my pencil.”
Every Sunday, the IPF posts editorial cartoons created by young illustrator Daniel Medina. If you would like to submit your own editorial cartoons, get in touch with us via submissions@the-ipf.com.

Healthcare is a right of every other citizen in the developed word, but the United States. Here, the Republicans believe every American has the right to own any gun they like but they will be damned if everyone has the right to be healthy. Good news is that it is not yet a law and has yet to pass through the senate. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

Trump signs another executive order that will further lead the human race down the path of suicide. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

A permit has been issued authorising the construction of Keystone XL pipeline’s new route. TransCanada’s pipeline will cut through treaty lands of the Great Sioux Nation. Regardless of the dangers that come with the pipeline, the Canadian and American government has put the short-sighted economic interest of billionaires over the wellbeing of everyone below. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

Raising animals for food is the single greatest human-caused source of destruction to our environment. It is the largest source of greenhouse gases, land use and degradation; the number one source of water pollution and rainforest deforestation. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

Christopher Hitchens hated authoritarians and he took on idiocy wherever he found it. If the Judeo Christian hell is real then he is most definitely in it – trying to get Satan to let him out. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

In support of United Sketches, an organisation fighting for freedom of expression and to support cartoonists in exile. This picture represents the unjust arrest of Iranian musician, Mehdi Rajabian, who was arrested in October 5, 2013. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

[Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

The frustration of many Americans towards Hillary Clinton. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

President Trump: “Any negative polls are fake news…” [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

Dedicated to all the strong women who are still trying to be silenced by weak men who are intimidated by them. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

This cartoon shows the two American parties – Democrats and Republicans – could not care less about you. That is why multiple parties are needed. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

Response to yet another school shooting in the United States, and why nothing has or ever will change. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

This cartoon pokes fun at the absurdity of how the Republican party thinks they speak on behalf of Jesus. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

Response to the many town halls going on in the United States – town halls many Republicans are scared to go to because they are finally facing the music to their many bad legislation. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

When will we ever become scientifically literate? As Neil deGrasse Tyson once said: “Science is true whether or not you believe it or not.” [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

Daniel drew this cartoon when Trump came out with his proposed budget, and to nobody’s surprise the President of the United States proposed to give himself a HUGE financial boost. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

“When I went to one of the many People’s Climate March I couldn’t get this out of my head. So I stopped marching and I started to draw.” [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

The phrase “Radical Islamic Terrorism” is the phrase Republicans are always eager to say. They are convinced the only way of defeating ISIS, Boko Haram, Islamic Revolutionary Guard, Kataib Hezbollah, and other terrorist groups is by saying those words. As everyone knows, that is insane. As Obama said in 2015: “We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.” And Bush after the 9-11 attacks:”Americans understand we fight not a religion. Ours is not a campaign against the Muslim faith. Ours is a campaign against evil”. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

Daniel drew this on Trump’s first 100 days in office. This is about the shadows that overshadowed his first 100 days. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]

Healthcare is a right of every other citizen in the developed word, except in the United States. Here, the Republicans believe every American has the right to own any gun they like but they will be damned if everyone has the right to be healthy. Good news is: it is not yet a law and has yet to pass through the senate. [Image credit: Dan’s Doodles]