"I'd love to raise awareness in France about coral bleaching in Indonesia. I know that many people in Western countries might not be aware of the importance in... Keep Reading
“It’s obvious that we’re all connected because we’re all made of the same parts and we need the environment... But the environment doesn’t need us. It’s really... Keep Reading
“It is an incredibly important topic, and one of the most challenging of our time - dealing with plastic in its alter-life.”
In September 2016, the Londo... Keep Reading
"It is crucial that we reconnect young people to nature; camping, trekking, running, cycling and open-water swimming. Only when they feel actively connected to... Keep Reading
Dumpster diving is a way to rethink consumption in a society where expiry dates have become more important than reducing food wastage.
The term “dumpster d... Keep Reading
"It's something that could be used for good which is just going to waste. If we can use it to create mushrooms, or grow packs, that's averting the landfill and... Keep Reading